Comments on: Giveaway: Free FeedBurner eBook Blogging MagazineSun, 01 May 2011 10:58:00 +0000hourly1 Chip ChipThu, 06 Sep 2007 07:34:50 +0000 had no problem myself. Just read a couple of bad reviews, I don't remember where, somewhere on a blog (I searched now on Google and couldn't fint anything). I am new to WordPress AND blogging and I believed them. But last night I decided: I'll return to FeedBurner.I had no problem myself. Just read a couple of bad reviews, I don’t remember where, somewhere on a blog (I searched now on Google and couldn’t fint anything). I am new to WordPress AND blogging and I believed them.

But last night I decided: I’ll return to FeedBurner.

By: Jason JasonWed, 05 Sep 2007 13:21:52 +0000 problem did you have with Feedburner or the plug-in? I use Feedburner with the plug-in and it seems pretty good for me.What problem did you have with Feedburner or the plug-in? I use Feedburner with the plug-in and it seems pretty good for me. ]]>