]]>$random_img_url = $array[$key]['img_url'];
extracts the images from the folder using url, alt and img_url keys.
That’s why I’m asking if the path is correct, if the images exist and if you didn’t forgot a single-quote or something. Could you put the script online and point me to it? I’ll look in the source and tell you if anything is broken.
]]>list($img_width, $img_height) = getimagesize($random_img_url);
My pictures are 237×178
Thanks the scripts sounds good
Warning: getimagesize(images/3.png) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/s/i/m/simonshum/html/wp-content/themes/SR3/ads.php on line 15
It confuses me because that’s exactly where i put the php file.. Help? i’m doing this in wordpress
When i did this, it returned something like this :