Recently published WordPress themes and plugins

Smart Backup Plugin

Smart Backup is a complete WordPress solution for database backup and restore...


Ambient Occlusion Theme

Ambient Occlusion is a clean and warm theme, with a brown/cocoa colour...


WordPress Theme: Shiny

Shiny 2.0 is a fresh WordPress theme hot off the press! Some...


WordPress Theme: Cyanide

This theme has originally been created for an offshore client. The theme...


Inception Theme

On the foundation of Whiskey Air Theme, I have built a new...


Whiskey Air Theme

I now give you Whiskey Air, a simple, imageless theme, compatible with...


WordPress Theme: Clear Apple

Clear Apple is a clean magazine theme, no thumbnails for posts, wide...


WordPress Theme: Blizzard

A new theme based on some old CSS template of mine and...


WordPress Theme – X5 Turbo

X5 is the successor of X4.1 and has some small improvements over...


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A few days ago I received an envelope with Google logo on it. I wondered why Google needs to communicate with me by classic mail. I discovered a nice folded sheet of paper, written in Romanian and signed by a Romanian representative, which offered me a 200RON (that’s about 40-50USD) free AdWords campaign. That is a 200RON advertisement budget. It’s...

Google AdSense will give you a great resource for advertising your business. It enables you to advertise your business on various websites. You only pay them if consumers click on the link to take them to your website. This is an opportunity for a new business or one with a very small marketing budget to get themselves some recognition. You...

I’m running some AdSense optimization on my web sites and I’m trying to decide where to my readers click the most. That’s where I should concentrate my efforts. The key is to place an image ad to drw their attention. You might ask if that’s not dangerous, as the image ad might lead the visitor to another web site and...

Revolutionize your blog using AdSense units. Are you using AdSense to earn money? Try to diversify their placement and their colour scheme. Below are some basic advice for you to follow every 3 or 6 months, depending on your niche and on your traffic level. 1. Are you blending in your ad units? Make them a complementary colour. 2. Are...

Well, the title may fool some readers, however I’m sick of all the AdSense secrets. There are no such secrets. AdSense is a tool for webamsters to make money. If they make money, Google is happy, so why would there be any secrets that Google keeps away from us? Because there are no secrets. There are only optimizations. And lots...