Butterfly Organizer Documentation
Version 2.2 – Codename “Canyon Valley”
Butterfly Organizer is a browser-based (PHP/MySQL) solution for organizing web accounts such as emails, statistics, forums, blogs and more. It also features a TODO list manager and a contact manager.
Site Manager allows you to add, view, edit and delete web site accounts including information such as URL address, username, password, notes and more.
To add a site, you must first create a category. Use the Add a new category option to add a new category. After the category has been added, it will appear grayed-out (the color can be changed in Control Panel) in Site Manager section. This means it is empty (it also has a “(0)” in parenthesis indicating how many sites the category has.
Click on the empty category you’ve just created. Use the Add a new account option to add a site. Fill in the desired fields. One special field is the Reference field. This should contain an easy to remember name associated with your site account. Example: if you have a Code Canyon account you should add code-canyon or codecanyon as a reference.
When viewing a category, you will notice the default options: Edit and Delete. Use them accordingly. Be careful when deleting an account. The operation is not reversible.
TODO Manager
Use the <Add a new item> option to manage your list of TODOs. Click on an item to display the edit mode and the delete icon.
Contact Manager
Contact Manager allows you to manage a contacts database, using personal details, alphabet sorting, editing and deleting.
Butterfly Organizer has been tested in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari and works fine. However, we do not recommend using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Server requirements for Butterfly Organizer are:
- PHP 4+
- MySQL 4+
Butterfly Organizer has been built on the following configuration:
- Apache/2.0.58 (Win32)
- PHP/5.2.3
- MySQL Server 5.0.41-community-nt
- MySQL Server 5.0.22
No more pointing your browser to /install/ folder like before. The script automatically detects if the database is set up and the tables exist. If not, it will warn you. The two-step installer makes the job easy as pie!
Check your includes/settings.php file for correct database settings. Also modify, add or remove users by editing the following code:
// authentication
$userinfo = array(
The default usernames and passwords are, as noted above, demo/demo and admin/123456.
3.1. NOTE (for experienced users): You can find a clean SQL dump in /install/ directory. Execute this if you have trouble running the installation routine. You shouldn’t have any trouble.
Butterfly Organizer gets updated by overwriting the files. No information is lost, as all data is kept in the database. If a future version requires database changes, it will prompt you to start an upgrade wizard. Any future versions will have a docs/upgrade.html file with detailed information.
You are not allowed to modify the code or sell it.
2.2 – 15.01.2011
- IMPROVEMENT: Added shadows to all text for better contrast
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed old, obsolete code
- IMPROVEMENT: Added single-user login feature
- FEATURE: Added demo –
- SECURITY: Added empty index.php to all folders to block directory browsing (if active)
- FIX: Fixed several shorthand CSS values
- LICENSE: Added proper license for icons
- DOCUMENTATION: Merged changelog in documentation
- DOCUMENTATION: Updated help page and documentation with login information
2.1.1 – 10.01.2011
- Added a documentation file to docs/documentation.html
- Removed missing images from the help page
- Renamed “Site Organizer” to “Site Manager” in Help section
2.1 – 09.01.2011
- First release on Code Canyon
- Added new category icon
- Added new account icon
- Removed emailer
- Removed bulk mailing feature
- Removed deprecated PHP function mysql_list_tables()
- Removed copyright notice and link from footer – afterall, I’m selling it on CodeCanyon
- Moved information from “About” to “Control Panel” (the script version and server information)
- Renamed “Site Organizer” to “Site Manager”
- Renamed “Organizer Index” menu item to “Site Manager” to eliminate obvious title and module confusion
- Changed links’ colour from dark-gray and red to light blue (#5BA1CD) – fits better
- Changed default links’ colour to light blue (#5BA1CD)
- Changed icons
- Moved the TODO manager from it’s own page to the index page – more visibility upon accessing the Organizer
- Made interface consistent by adding same margins, same rounded corners, same gray shades
- Updated jQuery to latest version 1.4.4
- Improved the TODO .js script for speed and validation
- Cleaned up the .css stylesheet
- CSS border-radius compatibility for all major browsers
- New, “slicker” buttons