Official Blog Clean Up Day
May 10th, 2008 | Author: ChipMonday, 12th of May 2008 is the official blog clean up day. What is this day, you ask? The other days I was cleaning up my blog, and removed some old code, plug-ins, some useless widgets and options from my blog. I stumble upon too many “dirty” blogs these days, full of widgets, slow-loading scripts, ads, ads and more ads. I tell you from experience that only 25% of the ads placed on one’s blog are profitable.
You’re welcome to prove me that I’m wrong. Until then, clean up your blog, and place a banner to show it off. In addition share with us what you removed. We really ought to clean up our blogging mess. We’ve got visitors.
Thanks for the invitation to clean up my blog
Sometimes we’re just too busy creating contents and ignored the layout of our blogs. hehe.