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WordPress Flashback Theme
WordPress Flashback theme is a powerful futuristic theme, graphics based,...
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WordPress Theme: Cyanide
This theme has originally been created for an offshore client....
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WordPress Theme Pack: Butterfly 01
My latest articles showcased some of my recent WordPress themes,...
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WordPress Theme: Clear Apple
Clear Apple is a clean magazine theme, no thumbnails for...
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This question is written all over the Internet and thousands of answers are offered each day. A successful blogger is an active, hard-working, full-time, self-employed person, trying to learn from other bloggers experience. A successful blogger reads more than writes. A percentage statistics says that you have to read 10 articles and write one article. Research and development for a...
Everyone is guilty of ego propping now and then. Some people are more guilty of the practice than others. The self importance test will analyze how important you think you are. I just took the Technosailor Self Importance Test. And it seems that I’m like Darren Rowse. Read this: You are most like Darren Rowse! You are like Darren Rowse....
Initially, I wanted to call this article: How to publish advertisement on your blog and attract more visitors in an intelligent manner. But the title was too long, and had a certain Digg air. So I decided to shorten it. This article will describe how to publish advertisement on your blog in an intelligent manner. Firstly, you place adverts on...
How would you describe social networking? Like a big school? Or university? Or like a mall? What about a big city, with people and schools and universities and malls? And friends? And news? I think this pixel art picture says it best.
RSS – Abbreviated form of Really Simple Syndication, a web feed format. It can stand for other terms as well, such as Rich Site Summary and RDF Site Summary. Syndication is a simple XML-based method for publishing content. Syndication feeds come in two predominant flavors: RSS and Atom. Concerning your web site publishing, you don’t need to worry about the...