Recently published WordPress themes and plugins

Smart Backup Plugin
Smart Backup is a complete WordPress solution for database backup and restore...

Ambient Occlusion Theme
Ambient Occlusion is a clean and warm theme, with a brown/cocoa colour...

WordPress Theme: Cyanide
This theme has originally been created for an offshore client. The theme...

WordPress Theme: Clear Apple
Clear Apple is a clean magazine theme, no thumbnails for posts, wide...

On the blog
Photoshop Project: Decorative Frame
Download: One of my recent projects was to create a cozy, decorative frame for a jewelry site. The outcome is visible here. Painting it in Photoshop was easy, as I tried to be original. The final version has a grunge layer applied to the frame, and some noise applied to the content image.
Amazon S3 Guide
Here is a quick tip about finding your AWS Security Credentials to access your Amazon AWS S3 simple storage to create buckets. (Buckets are folders to store your files such as images, videos in Amazon Simple Storage). Step 1: Go to Amazon Web Services web site and click on the Account tab and Security Credentials Link as shown in the...
WordPress Jobs Plugin: Premium Jobbin
From a rushed release to a refined plugin! Get Jobbin now and turn your WordPress installation into a real job board. The new 0.2.2 version brings an application form and many UI tweaks for better usage and general accessibility. Two years ago, I needed a job plugin, and there was only one free plugin for WordPress. I did the job...
WordPress and phpMyAdmin: Database Management
EDIT: plugin usage statistics shows the following chart: All users are strongly encouraged to update to the latest version (1.2.7 at the moment of writing this post). The code is cleaner, there is more information regarding MySQL and the phpMyAdmin codebase gets cleaned up and updated for speed, performance and HTML validity. Running inside an IFRAME inside WordPress, it...
PHP/MySQL Date and Time Notes
I’ve always sucked at date/time calculations using PHP or MySQL. This changed a while ago when I broke the ice with a Facebook-style function for calculating time diferrence in a friendly way. Today, I had to calculate past dates using 2 separate date and time columns. MySQL uses NOW() to output a date format such as "2011-03-10 14:30:00". My date...
This excerpts is taken from and is a useful resource for Google beginners. I’ll start a large resource center for Google with both beginners and advanced Google optimization technics. Find more at author’s page. What Is Indexing? Basically, the process for the Google crawler is to first look at the robots.txt file in order to learn where it shouldn’t...
How to make money on the Internet. Sell Ad Space. Do it now. Well, that’s just one side of it. It seems that here in Europe, we only have Google AdSense and Text Link Ads. I decided to join both of them and make a comparison. Google AdSense is moving slowly. Or my sites don’t get enough traffic to convert...
Let’s begin with the latest Butterfly Media Romania product, Butterfly Organizer – PE1.0 (Personal Edition). I decided to write this piece of software because I needed to organize my huge list of web accounts, such as statistics accounts, as I had many of them integrated in my clients’ sites, forums, blogs, mails, and more. And I couldn’t find one on...
Today’s tutorial is about JavaScript and how to pop up a window in the center of the screen and focus on it. The trick is easy and the containing function is small. Here it is the JS code: function window_popup(content, x, y, title) { var thisWindow; thisWindow =,title,"width="+x+",height="+y+",scrollbars=auto,screenX=0,screenY=0,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no"); thisWindow.moveTo((screen.width-x)/2,(screen.height-y)/3); thisWindow.window.focus(); } And here is the caller: <a href="#" onclick="window_popup('mypage.html',...
Hello, we have turned to WordPress as a solution for our long anticipated blog. We needed one to add new content to Butterfly Media Romania in a dynamic way, such as general news, announcements, tutorials, SEO, and other pieces of information. We will add some interesting articles and promote our sites’ activity, and nonetheless keep our users informed on what...