Recently published WordPress themes and plugins

Smart Backup Plugin
Smart Backup is a complete WordPress solution for database backup and restore...

Ambient Occlusion Theme
Ambient Occlusion is a clean and warm theme, with a brown/cocoa colour...

WordPress Theme: Cyanide
This theme has originally been created for an offshore client. The theme...

WordPress Theme: Clear Apple
Clear Apple is a clean magazine theme, no thumbnails for posts, wide...

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tricks1. Use a redirect function in PHP without header/location stuff: function redirect($page,$time) { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.$time.'; url='.$page.'" />'; } Now use: redirect('/tag/tricks/index.html',3); in order to redirect to index.php after 3 seconds. 2. Generate 3 characters salt strings: // Salt Generator function generate_salt() { // Declare $salt $salt = ''; // And create it with random chars for ($i =...
Recent posts: <?php wp_get_archives('title_li=&type=postbypost&limit=10');?> Multiple loops? Same template? WP Query not working after the first loop? Use <?php wp_reset_query();?> Too small a post? Tweet it!
The Christmas holiday is coming fast, and then the New Year, and then comes a “dead” period. This is how we call it. No contracts, no clients, no work. This is the perfect time to work and add more content and value both to your blog and to your readers. You also have more time to upgrade all your web...
A webmaster’s work is never done. What may have worked a few years ago when could be outdated today, so it’s important to constantly improve your web site. However, a massive overhaul is just too much work to undertake at one time. Instead, tackle these quick fixes over time, and you’ll be able to improve your web site with minimal...
Learning PHP. That’s my latest activity. And I needed some improvements for my scripts. There are many tiny details that can improve and speed up your PHP script functioning. Here is a list of 40 of them.