Inception WordPress Theme

So, you want to watch movies on your Windows Mobile smartphone device. The best plyer available its TCPMP, The Core Pocket Media Player. Best of all it’s free, however it has been discontinued. First of all, you need Microsoft Active Sync up and running on your computer. Double-click on the TCPMP executable and follow these [...]

I’m sure you’ve always wondered how Google Street View is made. This video explains everything you should know. [video][/video]

I recently upgraded my HTC smartphone from WM 5 to WM 6.1. After tweaking and updating, I have a fully functional Windows Mobile 6.1 installation. The sliding panels theme looks so… glassy. New features are exposed in the menus, and I don’t need to reset my smartphone several times a day. Expect for more reviews [...]

I’ve been working frantically over the last month to finish my new office. And it’s done. It’ll soon be worthy of including in the offices of the biggest bloggers. So expect pictures soon. Two new projects began, a fishermen community and a local online TV station. No more details until I got something solid to [...]

I found an interesting comparison between the market-leading browsers. Here it is.

You might have noticed a new banner in the sidebar, the one with “My work available at TurboSquid”. Yes, I decided to upload my 3D work to TurboSquid. It’s a small part of everything I’ve done during time, but I’ll fill everything in for 3D fans. TurboSquid has been named as Autodesk® Seek’s exclusive marketplace [...]

Here are some fresh widescreen wallpapers to go with the design changes I’m sure you noticed. A lot more space for content, featured articles and more fixes.

It’s been a while since my last “Links of the week” post, but here it is again, this time reloaded. From front-end work to hardcore server-side challenges, I share tips, tricks and bookmarks on, along with other publications online and offline. First and foremost, this site is a resource—for myself and the community. [...]

I now give you Whiskey Air, a simple, imageless theme, compatible with the latest WordPress version (3.0.1 as of writing this article). Simple dotted grey lines, justified paragraphs, easy-for-the-eye headings and titles, and more. Download wp-whiskey-air 0.9.1 here. More Whiskey Air resources: How to add a menu to Whiskey Air theme – for 0.9.1 and [...]

The California Guys is a real life story by Allen Pike. It has been described by its author as Some lessons in contracting learned by being a slave programmer. The web app was rendering using a clutter of frames, which obviously had to go. The visual design was horrible, the usability was horrible, the whole [...]

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