Inception WordPress Theme

One is here: Making Your Blog Content Discoverable and the other here: Ensuring Your Blog Is Crawlable Making Your Blog Content Relevant

As of today, 19th of August, 2007, I decided I reached enough traffic with optimizing the Butterfly Media Romania web site. The next change will be to turn it into English language. It has some pages in Romanian, some in English, and a while ago, 2 version, one in Romanian and one in English. As [...]

This excerpts is taken from and is a useful resource for Google beginners. I’ll start a large resource center for Google with both beginners and advanced Google optimization technics. Find more at author’s page. What Is Indexing? Basically, the process for the Google crawler is to first look at the robots.txt file in order [...]

How to make money on the Internet. Sell Ad Space. Do it now. Well, that’s just one side of it. It seems that here in Europe, we only have Google AdSense and Text Link Ads. I decided to join both of them and make a comparison. Google AdSense is moving slowly. Or my sites don’t [...]

Let’s begin with the latest Butterfly Media Romania product, Butterfly Organizer – PE1.0 (Personal Edition). I decided to write this piece of software because I needed to organize my huge list of web accounts, such as statistics accounts, as I had many of them integrated in my clients’ sites, forums, blogs, mails, and more. And [...]

Today’s tutorial is about JavaScript and how to pop up a window in the center of the screen and focus on it. The trick is easy and the containing function is small. Here it is the JS code: function window_popup(content, x, y, title) { var thisWindow; thisWindow =,title,”width=”+x+”,height=”+y+”,scrollbars=auto,screenX=0,screenY=0,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no”); thisWindow.moveTo((screen.width-x)/2,(screen.height-y)/3); thisWindow.window.focus(); } And here is [...]

Hello, we have turned to WordPress as a solution for our long anticipated blog. We needed one to add new content to Butterfly Media Romania in a dynamic way, such as general news, announcements, tutorials, SEO, and other pieces of information. We will add some interesting articles and promote our sites’ activity, and nonetheless keep [...]

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