First of all you need the Simplepie library. You only need the file included in the archive. My example extracts 5 items from a recipe blog: <div class="block"> <h2>Latest Culinary Recipes</h2> <div class="content"> <?php $feed = new SimplePie(‘’);?> <ul> <?php foreach ($feed->get_items(0, 5) as $item): ?> <li>» <a href="<?php print $item->get_permalink();?>"><?php print substr(($item->get_title()),0,23);?> [...]</a></li> [...]
I’m talking here about extracting latest posts to a different site. I’m also assuming that the databases are on the same server. So here is the script: <?php // connect to the database server mysql_select_db(‘forum’); // run The query $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpbb_topics ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 10"); if ($results) { while($rand [...]
The web is full of blog networks and they all go on the same pattern. Join the network, add a widget (not a small banner or a text link) to your blog and it’s done. But the widget is either JavaScript, either AJAX, or worse, Flash. Referral link behind the code, slow loading, slow page [...]
It took me a while to try and rephrase the title, but to no avail. Using the image.php script from my last article, I will read database entries and replace all tags with clickable thumbnails. All you need to do is have a database entry with an tag. Read the database (I’m sure you know [...]
Ever since I discovered PHP I tried to simplify everything by splitting files into most used parts and using include() to add them, reading files from directories and generating galleries on the fly, or by using many tricks to make my developer life easier. Today, I’ll show you how to use PHP and GD library [...]
I just launched my first WordPress plugin. I needed an easy way to access the MySQL database without going to cPanel for each of my clients’ blogs. So I developed a wrapper for phpMyAdmin, and you can now access it straight from your WordPress Dashboard. Read more and download Portable phpMyAdmin plugin here. Stay tuned [...]
My latest project is a culinary recipes web site that I’ve turned into a food community. That’s the project I was setting up SimplePress for. A simple WordPress blog needed a root domain and new sections. It generated a lot of traffic so I decided to take it even further. That’s why I added several [...]
“Vanessa Fox is probably most well known for launching Google Webmaster Central, but she has since moved on to found Nine By Blue, a company that examines online customer engagement and acquisition. Well, we caught up with Vanessa at Pubcon 2009, and sat down with her to discuss recent Google Caffeine and other recent developments [...]
I’m sure we all faced this question at least once. Being a freelancer (a legal one) I need serious clients, at least until I build a bigger expense fund. Taking into account that I ceased activity at my last full time workplace, I needed cash to pay taxes and to support myself. Once in a [...]
I’ve been pretty busy this weekend with wrapping up several web projects, messing with WordPress database and trying to fit in a SimplePress forum plugin. The latter was the hardest and I ended up using a default skin provided by the author. It matches my theme and I’m happy with it. SimplePress REALLY needs a [...]